Centergy North Land

The Centergy North Land is a mixed-use development site located in Midtown Atlanta. The site is ideal for hotel, office and residential uses mixed with street level retail. The site has excellent access and visibility from the I-75/85 Downtown Connector which exposes it to over 500,000 vehicles a day. Centergy North is also located proximate to the expanding Georgia Tech campus.

Centergy North

Property Info

Location: Atlanta, GA
Date Acquired: 08/2005
SPI-16 Mixed Use/High Density
Dates Sold:
08/2013, 05/2015, 07/2015
Land Acres:
7.15 acres
I-75/85 - 600 ft
Approved Density:
2,266 residential units

933-949 Williams St NW

933-949 Williams St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA

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